Professional Owners Corporation Management

Related parties and commissions declaration

Considering the recent media scrutiny around the services provided by some Strata Management firms and their lack of transparency around related parties and commissions we wanted to provide you with our declaration on Bluestone’s stance to those practices.

Bluestone OCM is an independent, ethical, transparent and service focussed Owners Corporation Management business.

Our primary focus is working together with Owners Corporation Committees who genuinely care about the on-going management of their buildings to maintain and improve the communities that they are part of.  

We uphold and promote strict governance criteria in all areas of our Owners Corporation Management and remain fully independent with no conflicts of interest.

Regardless if your building has come from another Management firm or if we have assisted the developer in bringing your community to life, we work exclusively for you the owners and will always act in your best interests.

Whilst we have disclosed this on our website and in previous communications to the committee, we felt it was important to communicate and clarify our position regarding these practices:


General Declaration:

We do not take any undisclosed commissions or kickbacks and have no related supplier ownership. 

We remain completely independent and have no affiliations or commercial relationships with any service provider and do not derive any additional revenue, apart from fully disclosed insurance income, from any supplier or third party.

Insurance Declaration:

We remain completely independent in facilitating insurance for the Owners Corporations that we manage.  

We currently deal with over 10 different insurance brokers, and we have no affiliation with or ownership interests in any of them.  If included in our contract of appointment, we may receive a fixed fee or commission – and if so, it is fully disclosed.

Developer Relationships:

Whilst we do set up the Owners Corporations on new buildings, we do not have any affiliations or financial arrangements with Developers.  We focus on working with developers who genuinely care about the on-going management of their buildings. We do not pay developers for the contracts, and we only take on the OC Management of their buildings on the clear understanding that once the building is handed over, we are working in the interest of the new owners, not them.

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